三只小动物3 肉的飞行状(豆瓣 6.9分

原名:三只小动物2011 稚肉飞行状

别名:Three Small Animals 3

上映日期:   内地  类型:剧情 / 传记 / 儿童



原文片名 Original Title:三只小动物3 肉的飞行状 稚肉飞行状
        英文片名English Title:Three Small Animals3
        語言Language:V普通話/國語 Mandarin □其他 Others:
        字幕Subtitles: V中 文Chinese 或/及 V英文 English
        片長Duration: 86:31
        出品地區Country of Origin: CHINA
        完成日期Year of Production:2012-2-15
        影片簡介Synopsis: (250字以內 Within 250 words):
        A door opened,bright or dark.
        There are three young men came.
        One hold a dagger,one shackled,one took a Mahjong dice
        People or animals,darkness,or flight,
        三个90后的孩子的生活,这是《三只小动物1》2007、《三只小动物2》2009 之后的第三个成片《三只小动物3》2011。
        The lives of three children which were borned after 1990.this is the third one2011 after 2007 and 2009.
        This is the sixth year I have film shooting on the three children,Continued to have shooting at that time,because affirmed in the filme festivals,But now,I learned a lot from it,I ,be a bystander,continuous observation of others,Long-term concern,Irrelevant,that’s also considered to fill the empty,But it is different from what I have saw at the first time;I always remind myself,this eye is still my own fun,never stop for any person’s viewing.
        ■2007【纪录短片】三只小动物1 Documentary Three Small Animals2007 17min
        2009 4th云之南影像展 Yunnan Multi Culture Visual Festival (YUNFEST)
        2009北京独立电影展 4th BeiJing Independent Film Festival
        2009塔佩雷Tampere Short Film Festival 2009
        2009台湾南方影展 9th South Taiwan Film Festival
        2009重庆造影青春影展?3th chongqing Independent Film & Video Festival
        2010北京 大聲展 北京站/上海站Get It Louder
        2010美国圣地牙哥加州大学收藏(University of California, San Diego,简称UCSD
        2011瑞士文化基金会Pro Helvetia““中国独立电影和独立艺术机构””放映
        ■2009【纪录短片】三只小动物2 Documentary Three Small Animals2009 30min
        2010重庆造影青春影展?3th chongqing Independent Film & Video Festival CIFVF以及巡展 伦敦\浙江\山东
        2010北京 大聲展 北京站/上海站Get It Louder
        2011杭州影展 亚洲国际青年电影节 HANGZHOU ASIAN FILM FESTIVAL
        2010美国圣地牙哥加州大学收藏(University of California, San Diego,简称UCSD
        2011瑞士文化基金会Pro Helvetia““中国独立电影和独立艺术机构””放映
        ■2012【纪录长片】三只小动物3 Documentary Three Small Animals2011 88min
        2012北京独立电影展 5th BeiJing Independent Film Festival


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