关于南斯拉夫解体的纪录片,揭露了美国,北约和欧盟肢解曾经和平富足的欧洲强国南斯拉夫的完整过程。 曾经是马克思共产主义最好的范例国家“南斯拉夫”在建国之前虽然在各种族之间曾有过矛盾,但当奥匈帝国侵占了前南斯拉夫地区时,著名的枪杀事件引发了第一次世界大战,在多民族团结一致下,起草了建国宣言。随后二战时,在铁托的领导下,南斯拉夫顽强的抗争,使得铁托得到了绝对的权威,也使战后南斯拉夫一跃成为欧洲强国,国家各项指标都高于同期的西方发达国家,国力鼎盛一时。然而随着铁托的逝世,在美国暗中的煽动民族情绪,资助民主运动,操纵南媒体的舆论宣传,并发动经济战争(软战争),迫使南政府债台高筑,人民生活水平急剧下跌,国家内部的民族矛盾激化,引发局部地区的镇压。成功独立出了 Croatia克罗地亚,Bosnia and Herzegovina波黑,Slovenia斯洛文尼亚,Serbia塞尔维亚 和Montenegro黑山共和国,各国之间也是小战争不断。而各新政权都争相投入欧盟与北约的怀抱,出卖国有资产,甚至签署卖国条约,腐败使得国家债务比起分裂前平摊的要多出数十倍之多。原本有竞争力的企业银行都被没收或挤垮,IMF(International Monetary Fund)与World Bank(IMF国际金钱组织,World Bank世界银行)成为了新的国家主人,前南斯拉夫地区已经成为了欧盟,美国的新殖民地,完全丧失了自主权。随后又以科索沃危机直接打击南联盟5国。 The Weight of Chains is a Canadian documentary film that takes a critical look at the role that the US, NATO and the EU played in the tragic breakup of a once peaceful and prosperous European state - Yugoslavia. The film, bursting with rare stock footage never before seen by Western audiences, is a creative first-hand look at why the West intervened in the Yugoslav conflict, with an impressive roster of interviews with academics, diplomats, media personalities and ordinary citizens of the former Yugoslav republics. This film also presents positive stories from the Yugoslav wars - people helping each other regardless of their ethnic background, stories of bravery and self-sacrifice.