This film, written, directed and acted by Adam Green (The Moldy Peaches) was released on the 4th of April. This 72 minute feature was shot entirely on an iPhone and stars Macaulay Culkin, who is a friend of the director.
I’m still halfway through the movie but I had to stop and tell someone about it. For one, you can watch and download it at http://thewrongferarri.com/ for free, which is a really bold move. Secondly, I’m already getting the feel that Adam Green has found a storytelling style that aptly takes advantage of the iPhone’s resolution.
Thirdly, it kinda reminds me of Young Men. Narcissistic as that sounds. Nevertheless, it’s consolation for a time in my life when I had guts.
Yeah, I know about Park Chan Wook’s ‘Nightfishing’. I’ve seen parts of it and that looks amazing too but he made lenses, harnesses and gear for the iPhone 4, so that’s different.
“I’m encouraging people to download it, put it on the TV, and turn off the lights,” Green says. “It’s not a fucking YouTube clip. Watch it like a movie.”