强大(豆瓣 5.0分

原名:Jsem vetsí a lepsí

别名:I Am Bigger and Better

主演:奥德·帕夫尔卡  米罗斯拉夫·克罗博特

上映日期:2007  片长:17分钟   捷克  类型:短片 / 动画



A theatre is staging a new play. The director decides to replace an actor who’s always late with a robot operated by remote control. The peeved actor angrily maintains that technology has triumphed over humanity. After the rehearsal the robot goes off into town. Pre-programmed to come out with stage dialogue, it provides pleasant company in one of the bars, where its human prefiguration also shows up and takes over the controls… Martin Duda’s graduate film combines 3D animation with live actors. The film’s vision of the future is both melancholic and comical, while the artificial creature proves more viable than its human colleagues…


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