1983年,年仅36岁的日本摄影家牛腸茂雄病逝,作为其好友的纪录片导演佐藤真拍摄了这部纪念影片,用真挚的情感回顾了摄影家的一生,影片几乎没有对白,镜头静静地从牛腸茂雄的故居摆设回到他的摄影作品上。。。 http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%89%9B%E8%85%B8%E8%8C%82%E9%9B%84 In 1983, photographer Gocho Shigeo met an early death at the young age of 36. The view we see reflected in Gocho’s photographic images has become more profound over time since his death and has struck a chord in people’s hearts. While focusing on Gocho’s collection of photographs Self and Others, the film also visits places associated with him, creating a collage with the manuscripts, letters, photographs and voice recordings remaining in an attempt to capture “one more gesture”—a theme pursued by Gocho through photographic expression. This film is neither a critical biography nor a monograph on the photographer. Rather, we are offered a new perception. As if mesmerized, the photographs Gocho left behind captivate us in their gaze.