越界(豆瓣 5.7分

原名:Across the Line: The Exodus of Charlie Wright

导演:R. Ellis Frazier

编剧:R. Ellis Frazier

主演:艾丹·奎因  鲁克·高斯  盖瑞·丹尼尔斯  Claudia Ferri  丹尼·皮诺

上映日期:2010-12-07  片长:94   美国  类型:剧情 / 犯罪



The story centers on Charlie, a Los Angeles billionaire financial whiz who goes into self-imposed exile in Tijuana after his empire is revealed to have been a Ponzi scheme. While looking for the woman he abandoned there 25 years before, Charlie is pursued by a Mexican gangster, a federal agent and thugs sent by a former client looking to retrieve his money.


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