The Corpse Grinders 2(豆瓣 6.1分

原名:The Corpse Grinders 2

编剧:Ted V. Mikels

上映日期:2000  片长:102min   美国  类型:惊悚 / 恐怖 / 科幻



Half of the storyline is nearly identical to the original "Corpse Grinders" (1971). The nephews, Landau and Maltby, of the original owners of Lotus Cat Food [For cats who love people] start up the family business again. Duplicated from the original are nosey nurse and doctor characters as well as the greedy grave digger and his wacky wife. What's added to the mix in this sequel are cat-like aliens! Battle weary and beaten by their enemy [evil dog-like aliens], the cat people ask for Earth's assistance in procuring food. Guess which cat food the aliens really like a lot?


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