白色狂想曲(豆瓣 6.6分

原名:Rhapsody in White

别名:Рапсодия в бяло

主演:Filip Trifonov  Ivaylo Hristov  斯维特拉娜·扬切娃

上映日期:2002  片长:86 分钟 / Germany: 80 分钟(Filmfest   保加利亚  类型:剧情 / 喜剧



This is a story about a woman, but not completely a woman, because she is funny and plump, because she is a comedienne and being a female comedienne is very difficult work. During the whole time, the comedienne gets in the way of the woman and the woman # in the way of the comedienne. In fact, nothing in the life of this woman is 'completely'. She is an actress, but not completely. She is playing the role of her life, but not completely. In the end she dies, but not completely.


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