SOS Pacific(豆瓣 6.3分

原名:SOS Pacific


主演:伊娃·巴尔托克  埃迪·康斯坦丁  皮耶尔·安杰利  约翰·格雷格森  理查德·阿滕伯勒

上映日期:1959  片长:90 分钟 / USA: 92 分钟   英国  类型:剧情 / 惊悚



Five passengers on a seaplane find that a crash has stranded them on an island used for nuclear testing in this disaster movie. Just to get to the island, they had to endure many hardships including a hurricane, a gun-battle, shark-infested seas, and a fire on the plane. Panic ensues when the diverse group learns that in five hours, another bomb will be tested there. While the story is action-based, most of the time is spent looking at the individual characters and the way they cope.


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