在修道院的日子里(豆瓣 6.8分

原名:Sex Life in a Convent

别名:die klosterschülerinnen

主演:萨沙·赫恩  约瑟夫·莫斯霍尔泽

上映日期:1972  片长:92 分钟   法国 / 德国  类型:剧情



This entry in the nunsploitation sub-genre seems to have flown under our radars until then. I seem to remember I got this from emule, quite a while ago, named as is.
        No nupernatural horror in this one, just lots of nuns, female students, sex and nudity. Although the mood is rather dark (rape and suicide are involved), the movie also seems to include bits of comedy reminiscent of the German sex-comedies of the day. I say ? seems ? because my German is as good as ever, which is to say nonexistent. This movie remind me Behind Convent Walls directed in 1977


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