自然世界:天堂之鸟(豆瓣 8.9分

原名:Natural World: Birds of Paradise


导演:John Harvey

上映日期:2010-01-06  片长:59分钟   英国  类型:纪录片



本片中David Attenborough向观众介绍了鸟类天堂——新几内亚。
        Living in the depths of the New Guinea rainforest are the spectacular birds of paradise - creatures so beautiful that the first Europeans believed they must have fallen from heaven. Filming their bizarre courtship displays is the Holy Grail of wildlife film makers: some perform like iridescent acrobats; others make hypnotic pulsing sounds as they quiver and vibrate.
        David Attenborough narrates the film. He has been entranced by these birds since he was a boy and he introduces a team of New Guinean naturalists as they embark on a gruelling expedition to try to film ten birds of paradise deep in the heart of the rainforest.



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