BBC 征服海洋的女法老(豆瓣 6.7分

原名:The Pharaoh Who Conquered the Sea

上映日期:2010  片长:58分钟   英国  类型:纪录片



        考古学家Cheryl Ward结合最新考古发现,原尺寸地复制了一艘古埃及古船,去寻找神秘的Punt。这次科学冒险证明,古埃及人的确拥有必要的工具和科学技术来远渡重洋。(文: life_is_good@YDY)
        Over three thousand years ago, legend has it that Queen Hatshepsut, Egypt's first female pharaoh, sent a fleet of ships to the wonderful, distant land of Punt. A bas-relief in the temple where she is entombed in Luxor shows them bringing back extraordinary treasures. But did this expedition really happen? And if it did, where exactly is the land of Punt?
        Drawing upon recent finds, the archaeologist Cheryl Ward sets out to recreate the voyage, in a full-size replica of one of these ancient ships, sailing it in the wake of Hatshepsut's fleet, in search of the mythical land of Punt. A human adventure as well as a scientific challenge, the expedition proves that, contrary to popular belief, the ancient Egyptians had the necessary tools, science and techniques to sail the seas.


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