霍乱街区(豆瓣 5.0分

原名:Ağır Roman

别名:Cholera Street

导演:Mustafa Altioklar

编剧:Mustafa Altioklar

上映日期:1997-11-28(土耳其)  片长:USA: 120 分钟(Cinequest San José F   法国 / 土耳其 / 匈牙利  类型:剧情 / 爱情 / 犯罪



The local box office champion of 1997-98 (Turkey), directed by Mustafa Altioklar, provides over-the-top entertainment worthy of its feverish title. In a seedy but colorful area of Istanbul a barber's courageous son seeks to prove his love for a beautiful prostitute and to protect his neighborhood from an invading gangster and his posse of punks.



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