兄妹(豆瓣 5.9分


别名:Brother and Sister / Older Sister, Younger Brother / Ani imôto


上映日期:1976-10-23  片长:98 分钟   日本  类型:None



Mon returns to her countryside home beside a river from her factory in town - pregnant and unmarried. Her brother, Ino, a lorry driver, furiously blames her, while her father gives her a cold shoulder. They demand that she should contract an abortion. Refusing the demand, Mon leaves home.
        To earn her living, Mon finds a job at a striptease house.This leads to a miscarriage.
        One day, a young man visits Mon's house. He is the father of Mon's baby. He timidly asks if Mon had had an abortion. Infuriated, Mon's father throws him out of the house while Ino beats him up.
        Mon visits her mother and sister. When she learns that Ino has beaten up her lover, she fights him.
        Imai has great sympathy for the poor and oppressed. At his best, his films are equally compassionate and convincing (1st HKIFF)


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