再一个微笑(豆瓣 5.8分

原名:Naerata ometi

别名:Well, Come On, Smile / Игры для детей школьного возраста / 再一个微笑

导演:Leida Laius

主演:Hendrik Toompere Jr.

上映日期:1985  片长:88min   俄罗斯 / 爱沙尼亚  类型:剧情 / 家庭



Teenage Mari is sent to an orphanage. It's an awful and unfriendly place to be. But soon two rival leading boys both show up their interest against the girl. Which one should she fall in love with, the good or the bad one ? Unbelivable realistic picture of an orphanage-life in Soviet Union is given. Good acting.



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