列宁格勒的前朝往事(1957年~1990年)(豆瓣 6.4分

原名:Ленинградская ретроспектива (1957–1990)


上映日期:1990  片长:659分钟   俄罗斯  类型:纪录片



Fifteen-part series from the life of the city. Hundreds of scenes from the life of the city. Thirty-four years of city life in a little over ten hours. The length of the film as such, Sokurov is multiplied on the calendar cycle of stories, trying to achieve and work towards the viewer's perception of a certain effect. This effect is defined as breaking and lifting it, the viewer, the physical time. Time the natural course of his audience, and life. The ten and a half his audience, personal hours to dissolve the thirty-four years of city life. Ten hours with a small and thirty-four years of mutually belong to each other. As well as belong to the past and the future. And eternity belong to all people without distinction, whose faces are replaced, replace, replace each other in the film "Leningrad retrospective." (Dmitry Saveliev)


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