影片拍摄于汶川大地震的半年之后,展示了重灾区什邡市红白镇和起周边地区几个普通人物和家庭的灾后重建的生活。其中的主要人物之一,是当地一个道观的主持62岁的林理峰。因为道教在其方法论上,存在直接干预现实生活的各种手段,诸如看风水,解孽生祸事等等,所以当地灾民带着灾后生活和精神状态上出现的种种问题,向林主持求助,反映了人的生存在突然受到重创之后,对信仰和神性力量的需求。 Red White A Film by Zhong Chen 2009 | Documentary | HDV | Color | 97min | Chinese & English Subtitles Synopsis: A small rural township called Red White was seriously devastated by the May 12th Earthquake in China 2008. A 62 year old Taoist survived even though his temple was largely torn by the disaster. This documentary tells the story of how the Taoist practices the widely believed Chinese traditional religion and the local people’s daily life during the township’s post-quake reconstruction.