红十字的鼓手(豆瓣 8.2分

原名:Bubeník Cerveného kríza



上映日期:1977  片长:13分钟   捷克  类型:短片



Juraj Jakubisko has to be one of the most underrated directors of all time. But if you happen you live in Eastern Europe you probably heard of him as being the Fellini of Slovakia. Bubenik Cerveneho Kriza in my opinion is one of the best short films I have seen. It has a strong anti-war message and shows how war effects children. A little boy is born and is torn from his parents during war,then later is put in an orphanage. Another boy carries with him a drum everywhere he goes. The little boy dreams of being united with his mom and dad. The color filters keep changing with bright psychedelic neons kind of like the ones used in Arrabel's Viva La Muerte. A beautiful, sad little short film that's begging to be discovered. I highly recommend it if you can find it. Also check out The Deserter and the Nomads.


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