一见钟情(豆瓣 6.2分



上映日期:1946  片长:99 分钟   墨西哥  类型:剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情



Armendáriz was terrific in this. I won't repeat the praises from prior reviews, I concur.
        My only problem with this film is that it wasn't true to the revolution. In that sense, it was indeed a Fernandez film as neither was he true to the revolution. He gave a Cristero slant to the issues of Church/State and redistribution of wealth. Just take it as a love story set in the revolutionary period and try to ignore the political bias. Jeeze, you'd think he'd have shown more gratitude having been pardoned by Lázaro Cárdenas for his treason.
        Pedro Armendáriz, María Felix and the town of Cholula were the great stars of this film. The exteriors were certainly shot in Cholula.
        There were some snippets of revolutionary period music (La Adelita and El Tren) and an anachronistic performance of Malageña Salerosa when he had mariachi serenade María Felix. That song is so lovely, I didn't mind.


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