极速战警剧场版(豆瓣 6.2分

原名:エクスドライバー the Movie

别名:Ekusu doraibâ za mûbî / éX-Driver The Movie


主演:小林由美子  浅田叶子  长泽美树

上映日期:2002-04-02  片长:90分钟   日本  类型:动画



The éX-Driver anime series was also adapted into an anime movie sequel, entitled éX-Driver The Movie, which follows the adventures of Lisa, Lorna and Souichi as they participate in an international éX-Driver race held at Los Angeles. The movie also consisted of a special prequel to the series, entitled, éX-Driver - Nina & Rei Danger Zone, which served as the prologue for the movie, centering on the adventures of two of the former éX-Drivers, Nina and Rei. Three short bonus shorts were also featured with the movie, featuring Lisa, Lorna and Souichi in events set just before where the movie takes off. These bonus shorts are done in comedic style, mainly with camera pans and zooms on still images:
        1. Onsen -- set in a hot spring
        2. Race Queen -- set in the éX-Driver Base
        3. Airport -- set in the Airport on their way to Los Angeles


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