美国先锋电影巨匠玛雅·德伦作品集(豆瓣 9.0分

原名:Maya Deren Experimental Films


上映日期:1943   美国  类型:None



        Experimental filmmaker Maya Deren created some of the mosthypnotic and beautiful avantgarde films ever made.Several of these groundbreaking shorts reveal her fascination with movement and ritual:"A Study in Choreography for the Camera"features dancer Talley Beatty leaping through vast expanses of space,thanks to the magic of editing.Both"At Land"and "Ritual in Transfigured Time"use choreograhhic techniques to explore the everyday rituals we go through in our encounters with other human beings."Meditation on Violence"focuses on the elegant motions of Chinese boxing.while "The Very Eye of Night"transforms a stage ballet by Antony Tudor into pure cinematic f bb antasy.But Deren s true masterpiece is "Meshes of The Afternoon",a narratively complex,psychological study of a woman--played by te director herself....

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