保姆(豆瓣 6.6分

原名:The Nanny

编剧:吉米·桑斯特  马里亚姆·莫德尔

主演:贝蒂·戴维斯  帕梅拉·富兰克林  William Dix  温蒂·克雷格  吉尔·班尼特  James Villiers

上映日期:1965-10-27  片长:91 分钟 / USA: 93 分钟   英国  类型:剧情 / 惊悚



With Joey Fane back home, all Virginia and Bill Fane want is a calm and respectful atmosphere amongst the house. Only something is still disturbing Joey and that one thing is the Nanny. Whilst Nanny is a loving woman who helps around the house, Joey sees her as someone else someone who believes is responsible for the death of his sister.


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