博爱屋(豆瓣 2.4分

原名:Fraternity House


上映日期:2008-10-24   美国  类型:喜剧



        On their last day of college, seniors Jake (Joel Paul Reisig) and Evan (Justin Isfeld) come to the realization that their days walking around in a drunken stupor and ogling half-naked coeds have ended. Fearing graduation and life in the real world, they hatch a plan to return for a fifth year.
        They enlist the help of "permanent" student and college legend Fossil (Johnny Lechner), who entrusts his sacred "Ten Commandments" on how to stay in college to Jake and Evan.
        Between antics from breaking into Professor VanOver's office (Christian Stolte) to kidnapping foreign exchange students, for Jake and Evan, this long day of debauchery is something they will never forget.


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