What Waits Below(豆瓣 6.6分

原名:What Waits Below

主演:理查德·约翰逊  蒂姆斯·伯特姆斯  丽萨·布伦特  安妮·黑伍德  罗伯特·鲍威尔

上映日期:1985-11-21  片长:88分钟   英国  类型:动作 / 恐怖



The U.S. government has been using deep caves in Central America as bases for a special type of radio transmitter used for communicating with submaries. When the signal from one of these transmitters suddenly disappears, a team of soldiers and cave specialists is sent in to find out what happened. After some exploring deep underground, they stumble upon a tribe of albino cave dwellers who have been isolated from the rest of the world for thousands of years.


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