An outstanding European adult feature based on a classic piece of German erotica, Josephine Mutzenbacher – The Life Story of a Viennese Whore, as Told by Herself. The story is based on the real life of a famous Viennese prostitute who starts off as a virgin and slowly works her way up to a high-class courtesan. Generally considered to be one of the best adult films ever made. Hans Billian is an experienced director who sees himself as something more than a gynecologist with a camera. The movie features jaw-dropping star Patricia Rhomberg with her self-confidence and enthusiasm and with a ripe body oozing sexuality in every scene. The film contains lots of steamy hardcore sex scenes – they are explicit, but never dull. This was filmed before the era of silicon, razors, and extreme close-ups of the moving body parts. Production values are high, visibility very good, and the pacing and editing commendable. Adult scenes are shorter and more numerous than in most contemporary adult films, and are well staged by the director Hans Billian. Several sequels have been made (all without Patricia Rhomberg) but none of them match the original.