正义难伸(豆瓣 6.6分


别名:Lgeoshi Beobida / 巨毒 / 恶毒 / 替天行道 / 这就是法


主演:申恩庆  斯科特·肖  权海骁  金甲洙  张恒善  金民钟  林元熙  朱铉

上映日期:2001-12-21   韩国  类型:动作



THIS IS LAW is too uneven for its own good, but even so the presence of an attractive leading lady and some funny bits save the film from being a complete disaster. The cop angle is not all that exciting, and the movie would probably have worked better as a straight comedy instead of being parts comedy and parts drama. Also, the lead character is a bit childish, coming across as a 10-year old boy with a schoolgirl crush instead of a cop.
        All in all, not a bad movie. It could have been better, of course, but then so could a lot of other films.


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