睡魔(豆瓣 5.7分



导演:Ernie Lively

主演:埃里克·里夫利  布蕾克·莱弗利

上映日期:1998   美国  类型:家庭 / 歌舞



When Fantasyworld veteran, Early Knapp, decides to retire because the kids of the World no longer believe in him or the need for sleep, Fantasyworld's middle-management fairy-official in charge of Non-Human Resources, Marigold Pixietwiddle, gets involved. Together they go out in to the "field" to investigate a child who can actually see Knapp. Once there, the child, Tina Golden, manages to steal their magic, freeing the World's children from nightly sleep, jeopardizing the existence of Fantasyworld and generally unleashing a slapsticky Mayhem on the duo. In the end, both Knapp and the children learn valuable lessons about doing the right thing and the necessity for kids to go to sleep.


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