英烈传1968版(豆瓣 7.0分

原名:The Charge of the Light Brigade

别名:英烈传1968版 / 轻骑兵的冲锋 / 巴拉克拉瓦战役

编剧:约翰·奥斯本  Charles Wood

上映日期:1968-04-11  片长:139 分钟 / West Germany: 112 分钟(th   英国  类型:剧情 / 历史 / 战争



A chronicle of events that led to the British involvement in the Crimean War against Russia and which led to the siege of Sevastopol and the fierce Battle of Balaclava on October 25, 1854 which climaxed with the heroic, but near-disastrous cavalry charge made by the British Light Brigade against a Russian artillery battery in a small valley which resulted in the near-destruction of the brigade due to error of judgment and rash planning on part by the inept British commanders. Written by Matthew Patay


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