【原 片 名】I'm No Fool/You and Your......
【出品公司】Walt Disney Studios
【内容简介】央视引进的这部作品实际是由迪斯尼两部作品组成。第一部分《I'm No Fool》由12部富有教育意义的短篇电影组成,为20世纪50年代中期的迪斯尼“米老鼠俱乐部”而创作。片中的无敌教员由杰明尼蟋蟀(Jiminy Crick)担当,“老先生”带着礼帽,穿着礼服,手持一把雨伞,动不动就从实验室找出一本书来讲,或者在黑板上就比划开来。每部片子都围绕着人们日常生活中的安全问题(游泳、驾驶、用电、防火等)展开。其创作目的在于培养观众的基本安全意识,提醒那些懒惰的家伙不要为了投机取巧而伤害到自己,同时也对有趣的历史故事进行讨论。第二部分《You and Your......》,由8部短片组成,主要向观众介绍人体构造,包括眼睛、耳朵、人脑等,此外还介绍了食物的汲取及转化以及人与动物的差异。
The "I'm No Fool ..." series was a short series of educational shorts produced for the original "Mickey Mouse Club" back in the mid-fifties. Most featured Jiminy Cricket and each one centered on safety in regular human life. They were all relased as 16mm films to schools later. Some were updated in the late 1980's.
I'm No Fool ... as a Pedestrian
Jiminy Cricket shows the history of reckless driving and how to safely walk with traffic.
I'm No Fool ... Having Fun
Jiminy Cricket shows how to have fun and recreation safely.
Pinocchio : Special Edition
Region 2 : United Kingdom
Region 2 : Germany
Region 2 : Italy
I'm No Fool ... In a Car
Proper automotive safety is explained after an alien unbuckles his seat belt and falls to earth.
I'm No Fool ... In an Emergency
How to react in an emergency is the point of this short as a police officer gets injured during a chase.
I'm No Fool ... In Unsafe Places
One of the lessons Pinnochio has to learn after becoming a real boy is how to recognize what is a safe play area and what is not.
I'm No Fool ... In Unsafe Places II
An alien learns how to keep away from unsafe areas with the help of two children.
I'm No Fool ... In Water
Jiminy Cricket shows shows the proper way to behave while swimming and water safety rules.
I'm No Fool ... On Wheels
Pinnochio learns the safety rules for bicycles, roller skating, and skateboarding.
I'm No Fool ... With a Bicycle
Jiminy Cricket gives a short history of the bicycle and then shows proper safety rules for riding.
I'm No Fool ... With Electricity
Jiminy Cricket gives rules for avoiding electrical shocks by respecting electrical safety rules.
I'm No Fool ... With Fire
Jiminy Cricket gives a history of man's reliance on fire and shows how to handle it properly.
Pinocchio : Special Edition
Region 2 : United Kingdom
Region 2 : Germany
Region 2 : Italy
I'm No Fool ... With Safety at School
Jiminy Cricket and Pinnochio show how to behave safely at school.
1960s, 1970s, and 1980s
In the 1960s and 1970s, Jiminy Cricket appeared in four series of educational films aimed at grade-school-aged audiences. In the "I'm No Fool" series, he advised children how to steer clear of dangerous traffic, sharp objects, strangers, exposed electrical lines, and so forth. In each short, he sang the refrain:
I'm no fool, no sirree!
I'm gonna live to be 23 (then 53, 93, and finally 1