뽕밭 나그네(豆瓣 5.9分

原名:뽕밭 나그네

别名:The Mulberry Field Traveler

主演:朴灿焕  姜丽娜

上映日期:1991-11-30(韩国)  片长:103分钟   韩国  类型:剧情



        On a dreary summer day, Seo-lim, a posthumous child is born in the middle of a mulberry field. His mother disappears shortly after, leaving the infant there to die. With the help of a monk, he is adopted by the scholar's family of Chonghak village. Years later, Seo-lim, a young man, rescues Na-young who has fallen into the gorge. But the villagers, who hold dear to traditions, throw the two lovers out. Seo-lim moves to Seoul and as he learns about civilization and modern developments, many things happen to him. Na-young begins to fall in love with Seo-lim despite the fact that she already has a fiance. But Seo-lim must, in the end, watch Na-young get engaged to someone else and on the day of the engagement, he leaves to roam like a nomad. Na-young realizes that Seo-lim is the one for her. She finds him and vows to stay by his side forever. Seo-lim's life of wandering, from his abandonment at birth, to his life in the village, to being introduced to a new life in Seoul, and then to recovery of love is a happy ending.


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