爱情和法国女郎(豆瓣 6.7分

原名:La française et l'amour

别名:爱情和法国女郎 / Love and the Frenchwoman

导演:雷内·克莱尔  亨利·维尼尔  米歇尔·博斯荣德  克里斯蒂昂-雅克  让·德拉努瓦  亨利·德库安  让-保罗·勒夏努瓦

上映日期:1960-09-16  片长:143 分钟   法国 / 意大利  类型:喜剧



The seven stages of woman – seven stories about French women and love in the sixties. Childhood: A seven-year-old girl wants to know the secrets of birth. Her parents do not know how to explain such a delicate matter... Adolescence: A sixteen-year-old girl is flirting with several admirers. Her parents must help her to find the right way... Virginity: A young man wants to spend his first night with his fiancée. As she hesitates, he decides to wait just a little longer... Marriage: A recently married a couple soon find their honeymoon almost spoiled by jealousy... Adultery: A frustrated married woman takes a lover but the reaction of her husband is not be what she had expected... Divorce: A bored couple decide to divorce, but family friends and lawyers will almost spoil the love they still have for each other... The single woman: A gentle crook takes advantage of women and always get away with a minor sentence. His last victim will prove to be smarter than him...
        By Willems Henri


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