创舞者(豆瓣 6.9分



上映日期:1999-11-20  片长:98分钟   美国  类型:纪录片



奥斯卡最佳纪录片提名影片。创舞者携观众进入编舞家大师保罗泰勒及其创作的一段惊心旅程。从行云流水的‘光环’,原始狂野的‘偶蹄国度’到优雅隽永的’海滨游乐场’, 泰勒一直活跃在20世纪现代舞的最前线。
        犹如惊鸿一瞥,本片呈现了探戈风格的’Piazzolla Caldera’ 从初期探索到纽约成功首演的一副创作编年史。
        Nominated for an Oscar, Dancemaker is a breathtaking journey into the world of preeminent choreographer, Paul Taylor, and his extraordi nary creations. From the fluid Aureole to the primal Cloven Kingdom and graceful Esplanade, Taylor has remained at the forefront of 20th century modern dance.
        Offering a rare glimpse inside the creative collaboration between the master and his hardworking troupe, Dancemaker chronicles the evolution of the fiery, tango-derived Piazzolla Caldera from its first tentative steps through its triumphant New York City premiere.
        Filled with magnificent archival footage from Taylor's early years as a featured dancer for the Martha Graham Dance Company, and inspired performances from his troupe, Dancemaker is a unique exploration of the mysteries of creative life, the obsession and talent of the dancers, and the mind of an artistic genius.



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