故事梗概 Synopsis 《20个爱情故事》其中十个是异性恋的爱情故事,十个同性恋的爱情故事。 20 Love Stories consists of ten gay and ten straight love stories. 导演简历 Bio-Filmography of Director 2011年才坚定了自己热爱实验影像这个事实,拍自己风格的片子,不为了迎合什么才去拍。 In 2011 I further developed my passion for experimental films. I film in my own style and don’t cater to anything or anybody. 导演阐述 Director’s Statement 本片采用极简式的黑白基调,并且用黑、白面具刻意营造出一种视觉上的对立,来区别同性恋与异性恋,旨在利用这种反差,来探索是否可以在内容上使人们(不论是同性恋还是异性恋等等)就对爱情的感受是同一的。 This film adopts a very simple black and white tone. It deliberately creates visual contrast with black and white masks in order to distinguish between homosexuals and heterosexuals. By using this contrast, the film aims to explore whether the content itself can make people (gay or straight) feel the same way towards love relationships. (http://www.bjqff.com/?p=1446)