这部电影历时14个月,拍摄了一个农民工家庭的13顿晚餐。这些饭菜通过13个静态的长镜头,突显了平凡中的神秘和美丽是如何随着时间的流逝而显现出来的。一系列的随机事件,一些戏剧性和微不足道的事物,都通过彼此接近的方式被赋予了意义。三代家庭的喜悦与沮丧,他们在这一年中所经历的变化,以及那些他们改变不了的事情,都在显著的细节中得以呈现和分析。这部影片通过审视那些离开农村的故乡去城市寻找更美好生活,引发关于城市化的深思。 This movie shows 13 dinners of a rural migrant worker's family. With 13 static full-length shots, it shows how mystery and beauty in this ordinary life emerge as time goes by. A series of random events and some dramatic and insignificant events are endowed with meanings through a close connection. The joy and frustration of three generations, the changes happened within this year, and those things that they cannot change are all showed and analyzed in significant details. This movie triggers reflection on urbanization through review on those who leave their hometown in rural area to seek for better life in city.