Transfigured Nights(豆瓣 6.2分

原名:Transfigured Nights

上映日期:  片长:47min   新西兰  类型:纪录片



Transfigured Nights, a 48-minute experimental documentary that 'explores the wildly perverse, fetishistic pleasures of web cam mask performance' is no exception. David Blyth's ahead of its time movie focuses on five men from around the world, who talk about 'the addictive charm of masked webcam performance, erotically liberating, they reveal their secret 'female' lives.' Transfigured Nights might generally seem a bit extreme regarding a person's social life, but its premise illustrates what is already happening in the time of the current "credit crunch". When people can't afford to go out and meet other people, they rely on visual cyberspace for their social lives. This is definitely a film of the future: a few wild steps beyond social network sites like Facebook etc.


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