敬业牙医(豆瓣 5.4分

原名:Spirit of a Denture

主演:凯文·史派西  布莱恩·汤普森

上映日期:2012-05-12  片长:9分钟   美国  类型:喜剧 / 短片



Dr. Middling is a dentist longing for adventure, while his "saucy wench" of an assistant tries to take him out for drinks. He finally finds his adventure when a pirate named Jasper Crow comes complaining of tooth pain. Afraid of needles, Dr. Middling resorts to irrational measures to help ease the pain. After he completes his job, Crow leaves, leaving Dr. Middling yearning of adventure satisfied and decides to go out for drinks- only to find out he has a lot more patients to treat.


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