Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Graduating Class(豆瓣 6.8分

原名:Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Graduating Class


主演:温蒂·希勒  阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克  琪琪·珀露  乔斯林白兰度

上映日期:1959-12-27  片长:30 min   美国  类型:剧情 / 犯罪 / 悬疑



Laura Siddons is a newly hired instructor in Europran literature at a girls college. Initially, she is nervous and ill-at-ease, but over time learns more about her students and is particularly impressed with one of them, Gloria Barnes. She also becomes friendly with her neighbor, Ben Prowdy and finally agrees to have dinner with him. When she sees Gloria entering a night club one evening she imagines the worse but is relieved when Gloria presents her with a reasonable explanation. When she shares Gloria's secret with Prowdy however, she learns there is a heavy price to pay.


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