铁轨冬日(豆瓣 6.9分



上映日期:   土耳其  类型:剧情



        Gardfren tells us Kemal's lonely journey in a cold winter day. Kemal is 30 years old and works as a gardfren (brake guard) in the railway. Kemal, in a place that is slightly bigger than a bier, goes along with isolated stations of Anatolia and the cold. He passed endless rail tracks, the same stations, streets, the same boringness and the same loneliness...
        2011科索沃国际纪录片与短片电影节,最佳国际短片奖 / 10th DokuFest Documentary and Short Film Festival Kosovo, Best International Short Film, 2011.
        2010约旦短片电影节 / Jordan Short Film Festival, Official Selection, 2010.
        2011迪亚巴克尔短片日 / Diyarbakır Short Film Days 2011.
        库尼•卡罗马特格鲁出生在土耳其的马尼萨,他毕业于安娜托利亚大学的电影电视系,而后在2004年进入Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg电影学院的纪录片系学习,他还曾被选入柏林电影节天才训练营。他带着自己的作品,参加了众多的电影节,《你自己》和《铁轨冬日》更是赢得了国内外的奖项。他将继续为他的独立电影与摄影项目工作。
        Cüneyt Karaahmetoğlu was born in Manisa, Turkey. He graduated from Anadolu University Cinema-TV Department. He studied at Documentary Department at Film Akademie Baden Wüerrttemberg in 2004. He was selected to Berlinale Talent Campus. He has attended numerous festival with his films, On Your Own and Gardfren, won national and international prizes. He continues to work independently on his film and photography projects.


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