司机(豆瓣 5.7分





上映日期:  片长:28分钟   内地  类型:剧情



        While in college, Zhao Ye spent some time sketching in the countryside of Pang Quan Gou in Shanxi, where he produced this film. While sketching, he met the little boy in the film and he asked him to the little actor. As a result, this short film came into its own.
        The driver Hao Weixing, who carries goods in mountains, has to deliver a truck of goats during the Spring Festival. His assistant has just died in a car accident, so Hao is desperate to find a company during the drive. Everyone has shunned and been reluctant to accompany him on the way. Being ridiculed by the owner of a small shop, Driver decides to take vengeance on him by taking away his son. Hao as a result hits the way with this little boy. During the way, however, Hao changes his mind.
        赵晔,电影导演。1979 年1 月23 日出生于北京,2004 年毕业于北京电影学院后自己独立导演了处女作《马乌甲》。
        赵晔在国际电影节崭露头角后,2008 年的一部《扎赉诺尔》更为他赢得众多的国际大奖,其独特的视角和美学更是受到日本著名导演河濑直美的邀请。2010 年赵晔在日本奈良拍摄完成他的第一部日语电影《光男的栗子》主演是日本女演员桃井熏。
        在目前为数不多的3 部电影里已经清晰的看到他 的个人情怀和独特的表达。
        ZHAO Ye, film director, born on Jan.23rd,1979. Ye graduated from Beijing Film Academy in 2004 and directed his first feature Ma Wu Jia which the won Grand Prize in the China Independent Film Festival 2007.
        After emerging at international film festivals, another work Jalainur brought him more international awards. His unique perspective and aesthetics have won invitations from Japanese director Kawase Naomi. In 2010 in Nara, Japan. Zhao Ye finished his first Japanese film Last Chestnuts starring Japanese national actress Kaori Momoi.
        Although there are not many works yet, but his personal sentiments and unique expression is clearly there.
        In 2012, his feature film scrip Night of Their Own won the HAF Award at HKIFF.


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