勇者无畏(豆瓣 6.6分


别名:The Global Formula Racing pursuit of perfection

上映日期:2012-04-21  片长:35分钟   美国  类型:纪录片



这是一部讲述一支大学生赛车队Global Formula Racing一年车队经历的纪录片。因为由俄勒冈州立大学(Oregon State University)和德国巴登符腾堡双元制应用技术大学(DHBW Ravensburg)两校的学生组成,GFR的队员挑战着史无前例的跨国合作,设计加工着他们的方程式赛车,为的就是参加Formula SAE这项世界规模最大的方程式赛车比赛。比赛的竞争空前激烈,车队每一分每一秒都必须为争夺这一座座冠军奖杯而战。
        This documentary chronicles a year in the life of Global Formula Racing Team. Made up of students in a multinational partnership who de sign and build formula cars for an extremely competitive international racing circuit, the GFR team hails from Oregon State University and DHBW Ravensburg, Germany. They devote every waking moment to the relentless pursuit of an international championship.


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